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A member registered Jan 06, 2018

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I've been attending all classes up to that point though and it's still not unlocked.

And is a mention speeding the process up?

Bummer. Alright, thanks for replying.

Does anyone how to open the png.import files? If it's a compressed file, what do I need to unpack it?

Thank you.

Strive for Power community » Mods · Created a new topic Adding Items

I'd like to know which scripts determine which items get sold in the various shops and perhaps what determines what enemies drop when defeated. I don't have a specific plan at the moment but I just want to try and add a new item mostly to see if I could.

I would love this too to be implement as It'll sure hell save the time of having to edit saves putting custom chars I've made. The best part  is that Strive already has the means to do this with you being able to customize you first girl which leaves the only issue being how to store the character data (which can probably be done like save same data) and how to how spawn characters into the world.

This can also give Sebastian added utility beyond being a reliable but pricey source of rare races, aside from just picking the rare of the girl you want, you can have him find one with specific hair and color, gender and body, and maybe traits and stats. To balance this, there's an added price multiplier for each added specification and will also cost mansion upgrade points. I mean, after getting every upgrade, mansion points will become meaningless.

And on that note, why not make those points be used for different other things and give them a new name like Influence or something. Aside from what I suggested with Sebastian, you'll can also need to pay in influence to buy spells from the guild (which makes sense honestly) and influence also gives you access to buying higher quality slaves at the Slaver guilds.

Heck, why not give the player the option to make our own custom requests to the guild, it functions similar to what I suggested for Sebastian but the race pool is limited what the various guilds normally sell and there is no added multiplier to specifications hence it's cheaper to buy from them than Sebastian.

- Humans, Elves and Tauruses in Wimborn
- Orcs, goblin and centaurs in Gorn
- Beastkin and Halfkin in Frostford
- Umbra provides us with the "exotic races" like Demons and Seraphs

Well, this post ended up being bigger than what I originally intended. (Basically being a me too post) XD

I noticed that traits that affect stats and have some sort special effect (i.e. -20% magic resistance) don't seem to work when i add them via editing. I'm guessing there's something else I have to do to properly implement it?

As much as I like this mod for playthroughs where I just want to mess around, I wish you had the ability to choose which tweaks. Or at least be separate mods so as you can pick and choose what you want.

I know it's a really small (if not insignificant) thing, but it really bugs a part of me that the only way to permanently improve base beauty is the procedure at the laboratory. I wouldn't mind having a basic process to improving the stat similar to the mental stats that takes time and money while the lab procedure is the one time here and now boost.